American Idol’s Star of the Night?

Tonight’s super-star was a girl who couldn’t have been more than 11 or 12 years old. She cried during several of the performances. How do I know? Because when she was crying the camera crew was on her. She got more attention than the artists when she turned on the water works.

Congratulations Ashley (Ryan Seacrest asked her name) for rocking America with your tears of joy. It was truly like the British invasion video footage I have seen of teen girls crying over the Beatles.

Out of Tune

I submitted a cover song to a podcast cover song competition last month.  Actually, it was recorded last year, but submitted last month.  I got routed.  Spanked.  Demolished.  But such is the way of music, subjectivity and the fact that I can’t hold pitch very well compared to better trained singers.  However, this was a learning experience and if there is a next time I’ll take what I learned from this and attempt a better submission.  What are those things I learned you ask?

  1. Re-record your vocals until they’re as close to spotless as possible.  I’m certain this cost me.
  2. Work out your arrangement and refine it.  I have tried to communicate this to others but somehow didn’t apply it to myself (can you believe I’ve produced a band before?)
  3. When you play your recording for someone and their first reaction is to laugh… it might be best to figure out how to get a smile instead

I appreciate that Dan Klass, one of the judges, was the Paula Abduul of the group 🙂  He at least liked the beginning few seconds of the song 🙂