This last Saturday morning on the way home from Indiana we stopped at the Cracker Barrel in Effingham, IL. Shortly after we were seated an older couple sat down diagonally from us. We didn’t think anything of it as the girls were chatty and wiggling. Shortly after that a group of gals was about to be seated next to us and one of them said, “Ma’am, can we please be seated somewhere else in the restaurant? We’re going to cuss and we don’t want to do it next to the children.” They were seated elsewhere.
Our food came, we prayed and began to eat. Suddenly I felt an arm around my shoulder and I looked up to see the man who had been seated with his wife diagonally from us looking down at me and he said, “I’m glad to see you praying in public. It does my old heart good.” I thanked him and he departed with a smile.
About 10 minutes later one of the gals who was going to be seated next to us but asked to be moved came by and said, “We didn’t mean any disrespect when we asked to be moved but we have been drinking and smoking marijuana all night long and we were going to be cussing while we ate.” Huh?! Why would you tell people this? Why would you tell a total stranger that you were doing those things?
It is funny to me that in that short stretch of time two polarized events could take place like that. We got on the road shortly after that hoping to avoid the drinking, smoking gals with their potty mouths. Unfortunately there was a college game going on between Mizzou and Kansas University later on so we had to put up with crazy college drivers and birds being flipped all over the place as the drivers cursed each other for driving worse than the last crazy driver.
We made it past Kansas City and survived the day with great success arriving home at 11:05 PM. Safe, sound, and really tired.