JavaScript/ECMAScript Closures Up Close and Personal

One of the most important tricks an ECMAScript coder can learn is how to properly create ‘object’ with prototypes.  A second-place runner up is the use of closures.  Closures come from JavaScript’s secret roots in Scheme.  They’re a technique for letting scope ‘linger’ around for functions that are called within a function.  I looked for tutorials on closures but couldn’t find any immediately that didn’t basically alert someone’s name, which just doesn’t seem very practical to me.  Alerting your name is the boring cousin of “Hello, World.”  So let’s look at a practical problem with a need for a solution.  Let’s say that you have a prototypical object that happens to enhance HTML links that the user can interact with. Since you’re doing progressive enhancements the link will work as expected on browsers that don’t have JavaScript enabled, but for those spiffy browsers that are progressive (not a political statement), you’re going to attach an onClick event.  I’m lazy so the examples below are going to use jQuery event attachment, but longer-form addEventListener, which is wonderful and will make your life more fulfilling.

So when you click on this link you want it to be able to refer to your object so that you can work nicely with other libraries or have multiple instances of the object on the page.  The hacky ways to do this might have included adding attributes to the HTML object, doing some sort of global object lookup, or any number of other things I did when I didn’t understand closures.  But here’s what you’re going to do:

<title>Never Gonna Give You Up, Closures!</title>
<script src=""></script>
function MakeItCloserWithClosures()
Assigning a variable 'that' to have the value of 'this' creates a reference that maintains scope through closure, so sub-functions/lambdas, can reference that as a variable that is in scope to call functions withint this object
var that = this;
$('.makeMeClosureFriendly').click(function(){that.rickRollTheUser();return false;});
MakeItCloserWithClosures.prototype.rickRollTheUser = function(){
document.location.href = '';
/* use jQuery's ready function to initialize the object, which should attach it to the HTML objects. */
$(document).ready(function(){ new MakeItCloserWithClosures(); });
<a class="makeMeClosureFriendly" href="">
Closures are easy!

There are a number of possible issues with the above code as far as scope is concerned: 1) the new object is not assigned to a variable for future reference (which we’ll pretend is awesome and the best idea ever), and 2) since it isn’t assigned there’s no global variable that we could attach to inside of the click event handler (function).  Except that with closures we can use the code’s reference to ‘that’ and it will refer back to the originating object and Rick Roll the user.  Closures are the best for handling references back to an object that needs to touch code, but not be global in scope or concern itself with as much interaction with other libraries.

I like to think of closures as ‘scope tunnels’ that can linger on for some time as long as the objects that reference them still exist.  In complex web applications being able to reference back to a parent object can save lines of code, confusion and can help call functions that are aware of other variables, details, and settings that exist within a JavaScript/ECMAScript object.  Fewer lines of code to debug is a big win, and fewer lines of code to maintain is even better.  I hope this helps!

Where will you use closures today?  See the demo to get Rick Rolled.  Please leave questions in the comments.

Web Workers: No JQuery

At present JQuery, the popular library for web development, is not capable of sitting inside of a Web Worker instance.  It probably isn’t a huge deal for most folks, but there might be cases where the JQuery syntax or utility functions would have been nice.  AJAX can still be handled in the traditional ways (and all browsers supporting Web Workers can use the proper JavaScript object and not the old IE Active-X hack).  And since it’s basically a background thread you can even use synchronous AJAX 😉

JQuery may get a new implementation or a sub-library that can handle being in a thread, but for now, don’t count on it inside web workers.

Why Your JavaScript Should be Compressed with the YUI Compressor

Yesterday I listened to Scott Hanselman and Jeff Atwood discussing Website Optimization on Hanselminutes and Scott asked Jeff why external JavaScript files should be compressed for speed and performance of web sites and web applications.  One thing that Jeff didn’t answer with that I think is worth noting is that the YUI compressor that Jeff uses – and which I use – happens to have the Java-based Rhino JavaScript engine in it.  The YUI compressor basically reads in your JavaScript file, parses it with a JavaScript engine and then outputs optimized code that will allow (almost?) all JavaScript engines in different browsers to parse and execute your JavaScript code faster than it would have had you not run the code through the YUI compressor.  Here are a few tidbits explained:

  • The YUI compressor doesn’t require you to pre-validate your code with tools like JSlint, which are nice, but not very friendly for beginner or pressed-for-time developers.  The JSlint site puts it well: JSLint will hurt your feelings.  I can deal with some hurt feelings myself, but managing browser quirks like IE’s inconsistent handling of ‘==’ verses ‘===’ means JSLint isn’t as handy as it could be for large files with lots of comparison operations.  I like well written code.  No.  I love well written code.  Not all code shoppes have time for syntax evaluation – if it works they’ll ship it – and YUI Compressor works great for this situation.  You can use the ‘-v’ parameter when executing the compressor at the command prompt to have it output any hints or suggestions for better syntax or potential errors.
  • The compressor optimizes functions and classes by managing variable instantiation and reducing the number of places in the code where this sort of memory allocation has to happen so that the beginning of the function contains all variable instantiations and your code can then execute without extra overhead for inline instantiations (especially if someone made the bonehead move of instantiating a variable in a loop!).
  • The compressor creates files that have no comments in them so JavaScript parsers  can parse a file that has been parsed and then output by a parser in parser optimized form.  The output code has a whole lot less fluff and generally looks like what a parser would hope a file would look like.  To make a comparison that would be like me taking my thoughts, putting them into a brain just like yours, having that brain output the words perfectly so that you could read them and understand them without any questions and the fewest number of possible words.  Its a JavaScript communications breakthrough.
  • The YUI Compressor can also be integrated with a build script so that your build engine (such as Ant or Nant) could automate the creation of the compressed or optimized files.

I have personally found the YUI Compressor to be invaluable and it has helped improve the loading time of the web applications that I work on substantially.  Being able to tell users (and the sales channel) that the slower loading web application has been improved to load 27% less data (while adding features) almost two years ago was a major win.  Watching their faces as I demonstrated how much faster the code was was icing on the cake.

Does everyone need to use the YUI compressor for every project?  Maybe not.  But I believe that it is probably the best tool available at this time to help professional web application developers to squeeze out that extra bit of performance without hand-tweaking code that could otherwise be thousands of lines of code to evaluate.  I have more performance optimizations I will find, I’m sure, but using YUI Compressor is a no-brainer and I hope you’ll find it gives you peace of mind and mind blowing performance improvements when it comes to file download sizes and speeds.

A Few Links Around the Web

I’m a huge fan of learning new things (and I like to think that you are, too):

My buddy Dave O’Hara sent me this link: 7 Rules of Unobtusive JavaScript. A good overview of why you should be coding unobtrusively (which I do in as many cases as possible) and also explains some good things about namespacing and object access.

I’m trying to learn about TDD and JavaScript which has been a bit harder than I expected: we need more of this in the JavaScript community!  Here’s a bit over at the Ajaxian on doing TDD with JsMock.

Assumptions I’ve Seen in the HTML 5 Debate

It wasn’t until the recent flurry of the guardfather of web standards, Jeffrey Zeldman, and his posts about HTML 5 (see: In Defense of Web Developers, HTML 5 Nav Ambiguity, HTML 5 Is A Mess, and so forth) that I began looking into HTML 5.  I’m busy being pragmatic with my code today and making tough choices about browser support and figuring out how I can make HTML 4.01 work consistently in those browsers that I do support.  But with the promise of change coming I need to be on the hunt for details rather than waiting for the browsers to fully implement the spec.  If we wait for browsers to fully implement specs it could very well be after I’m out of the web development industry before they’re implemented.  I wish that last line were a funny joke, but sadly 100% implementation is not likely in the next few years because the spec isn’t complete.  The reason that the spec isn’t complete is because people on both sides of a bunch of arguments have been making assumptions.  Lets take a look at those assumptions, shall we?

Assumption 1: The Needs of the Web Are or Are Not Going To Be The Same in ‘N’ Years

I love this assumption either direction you take it. Its awesome if it stays the same because then we can clean up our markup so that WordPress 4.0 (or your blogging platform of choice) can have 16 elements repeated over and over.  We won’t have table nesting issues, we won’t have DIV-itis, we’ll have semantically pure documents.  Or not.  Because as long as we’re using the Sliding Door technique or any number of other hacks to get markup to map to CSS (note: the spec will change for this technology, too) we’ll be polluting the DOM.  Also, if the web will change: how will it change?  Assuming that we can create “The Perfect” markup language in HTML 5 is naive at best and possibly stupid at worst.  What did we need in HTML, JavaScript and CSS before the iPhone, Table PCs and the user interface in “Minority Report”?  Assuming that the human interface to data on the web and elsewhere will remain stagnant is flawed horribly.  If we ever get HTML 5 out the door, we’ll get HTML 6 out the door some decades after that (or HTML will die and we’ll move to some other markup format).  What if we’re closer to Matrix-like data input than we think and you stop taking in the web through what you consider a browser?

Assumption 2: We Need More or Less Markup Elements

There are great arguments for newer or different markup elements.  There are great arguments for using the old ones and just styling them with CSS.  There are great arguments but many of them have, on some core level, more assumptions.  Arguments for newer elements are valid for present web contents if you are looking for semantic markup.  If you take the negative view (and assumption) that there will be no really powerful algorithm in your lifetime that can really, truly process semantic markup then this is a voided argument and you move on.  The assumption and expectation trumps the ideal nature of semantic markup.  You will make no headway here.  If you assume that semantic markup will lead to better programs to parse the data then what you’re really looking for is XML + some sort of namespace and doctype information that will help computers parse the data beyond what the browser is doing.  Microformats help in this area, but are not complete enough to make all documents data fully parsable.  Also, if you’re talking about web standards I should not that data synchronization standards are diverse and incomplete in most implementations as well.

We may need less markup if we can style the div and span elements however we want.  Or so you may think.  That sort of thinking is based on the assumption that all markup is basically the same with different styling.  An oversimplification for sure, but I’ve found that oversimplification makes life easier, and so myself and others are often caught doing it here, there, or in other places we don’t talk about in polite company.  Its the Internet, so we do it publicly, but on sites that anonymize our usage, of course.  Hacks make Internet Explorer bugs more bearable, Firefox bugs less annoying, Opera work like every other browser, and Safari and Chrome like Internet Explorer (or not).

The Rise of the Pragmatist

I like to fancy myself a pragmatist.  It doesn’t buy me anything, but I can pretend that I’m practical, which is nice when someone asks you to do something and you don’t have an unlimited amount of time or money.  I don’t have time to wait for all of HTML 5 to be implemented.  I don’t have time for the web to catch up with desktop software of the 80’s and 90’s that had option/select/text entry elements that allowed the user to input any type of text, but also choose from some pre-populated options.  I don’t have time for the web to allow my DIV-itis to look much prettier when presented in a hierarchical tree-like structure.  I need markup that works now.  HTML 5 will be a step in the right direction, but it will be slowly implemented in ways we don’t know yet and we’ll see what happens.  If the Canvas element replaces Adobe Flash and SVG replaces VML: I’ll cheer.  If I don’t ever get to use either of those elements or technologies because the implementers of those technologies never get off their collective backsides within the walls of various browser vendors then I’ll be practical about what I do.  I’m going to make several assumptions about the future – as the above statements reveal.  I believe that the web will change through JavaScript and CSS libraries and hacks.  I believe that HTML standards will come, and I think that just like HTML 3, HTML 4 will one day be old.  I’m going to assume that practical software development is all about satisfying the demands of your boss, your client, or yourself with what you can do now.

But you wouldn’t be a pragmatist if you didn’t also believe that you could practically bring about resolution and change for HTML 5, HTML 6 or HTML 7.  Practical change.  Good change.  The things you discover you needed from HTML 5 that its purveyors could not foresee.  Keep pushing for better web standards, but don’t keep fighting for better web standards.  The fighting causes delay, the fighting isn’t pragmatic, and the fighting doesn’t clean up the web, it worsens it.  Data wants to be free, do your part to continue to free it.  I’m going to start by reading through the proposed HTML 5 specs to see what I’ll be up against in Internet Explorer 9.5 – whenever that comes out.

Go Native: JSON Vs eval is evil

In the world of browser performance you can find yourself looking for the little things to make big differences, or even a lot of little things to make a bigger difference together.  I’ve been researching one particular change that is coming down the pike: native JSON handling.  John Resig wrote about the need for native JSON support in the browser in 2007 and its finally come.  The difference it makes between Firefox 3.0 and 3.5 is major, the difference between Internet Explorer 7 and 8 is important, and the safety that native support brings for prevention of cross site scripting (XSS) is critical.

I’ve created two tests that you can try for yourself: the eval test and the JSON test.  The tests loop 20 times to give you a broader test range and reveal the average time.  There are notes in the test pages to clarify a few observations, but I’ll put them here just for the sake of a single source.  The test pulls in 1600 JSON objects and either evaluates them using the JavaScript eval function (eval(/*JSON String*/);), or it parses them with the native JSON parser (JSON.parse(/*JSON String*/)).  For consistency’s sake I used the data from John Resig’s test which I have copied onto my server to reduce the load on his server and not steal bandwidth.  My tests were run locally to reduce bandwidth latency influencing results, but you can see that over the Internet, even on a broadband connection, the performance only gets worse.

Firefox 3.5 has javascript tracing enabled and the typical test results will show a much slower first pass with subsequent results being much, much faster. It should never be assumed that the user will be getting the exact same data back like this test shows, so the slower performance should be expected.

Internet Explorer 8’s Eval test appears to be almost as fast as the JSON test and their eval code’s execution is pretty fast already. However, the JSON.parse() code appears to be much safer to use and is thus preferable.

The final results are based on the averages (which are much more consistent than comparing the ‘best’ numbers): eval is roughly 500 milliseconds (or 500%) slower in Firefox 3.5 the first time and nearly the same speed in Internet Explorer 8 with an average of 10 seconds slower in 20 passes.  So for either identical or much faster performance and greater safety against XSS it is a no-brainer to switch to including native JSON support as a preferred method of dealing with JSON data over eval.

I do want to note that I was impressed by Internet Explorer 8’s eval speed, it was much greater than I had expected, and generally disappointed with Firefox’s, but since it is an evil function to use, that’s not all bad.

Do Yourself a Favor: Learn Regular Expressions

The first programming language I learned was Perl. Perl was easy to do many things with and it also allowed me to manipulate text strings. Except that instead of doing it the easy way I would often write very, very convoluted chunks of code in an attempt to get the data into or out of a string that existed. I was afraid of this monster that they called RegEx, or as it is properly known: Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions allow you to write an abbreviated syntax structure that will look for matches and patterns within the text string and then, depending on the function you’re using, do a comparison (match) or do a text replacement.

Just last night I was trying to manipulate a URL and get one parameter out of it, the view parameter in JavaScript. instead of a bunch of indexOf calls and burying myself in lines of code I got the variable with one line of code:
tempStr.replace(/(^.+)(view=)([a-z_]+)(&.+)/, "$3");
JavaScript syntax allows you to use the forward slash to wrap the beginning and end of a regular experssion, then I used a group of regular expressions within that text to find the view value. Upon finding the match I printed out the third pattern that matched into a variable that is returned (patterns in this context are grouped with parenthesis).

You can learn more about regular expesesions here, but I recommend you find a tutorial for using regular expressions in the languages you code in.

Software Architecture Tips

I’m probably not the worlds foremost expert in software architecture, but I’m the son of an engineer. A civil engineer. That is to say that he’s nice to most people, and it shows in his engineering, too. Software architecture is something that I understood the least when I was first learning about software development. At that stage in the game I needed to learn how to write code and didn’t grasp the critical nature of designing the code in such a way that I didnt’ have to rebuild the wheel every time I did something. “Hello, World!,” meet impulsive idea man.

As time went on and I stubbed my toes on various ideas (accidents can lead to learning) I learned more by learning how not to do things. I didn’t go to school to be a software developer, I majored in history. As the infamous quote goes, “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Boy, did I repeat myself. Eventually I learned more about how to do things the right way and more recently I learned more about Model/View/Controller (MVC) coding. Here are some architecture tips I’ve learned, hopefully you’ll find them helpful as you learn:

Consume Open Source Code
Open source code, such as WordPress, xinha and the YUI code are places I learned about software architecture – free, and usually commented. See how and why things are done. Don’t just learn a technique, learn why to use the technique by trying to see why the open source software used a technique. Check out Sourceforge.

Learn Existing Code Libraries
If you have the chance learn some coding libraries and their functions. Often you’ll find that a code library is useful in more than one place. Matt Mullenweg has said that he re-uses components from WordPress in other projects. If your software architecture doesn’t fit with these libraries then you’ve probably got more thinking to do about your architecture. Closed systems can be a headache. I’m currently learning the PHP Cake library, and that’s powerful!

Build Your Own Libraries
Build your own libraries. No, not huge open source libraries necessarily, but find snippets of code that you can re-use as needed. Know your coding style and know how it will work for you. When you’re designing the structure of your code, these libraries will play a role in this.

Go To Libraries
Libraries house books. Free for you to look at and often for you to check-out and take home to learn from. Don’t underestimate the power of a good paper, physical book 🙂 Software architecture is going to develop over time and you’re learning and reading is going to grow if you invest in it. it won’t happen by magic (usually).

Learn What Optimized Code Looks Like
I have studied optimized coding practices for every language I’ve learned. In PHP I learned about commas as concatenators, various loop type speeds, and of course MySQL optimization to help keep queries fast. Your code architecture will need to employ these things yourself.

Join a Community
Find an online forum or email list that you can participate in. You’ll quickly find out that you, too, can help others learn. This will most certainly help you develop better software architecture practices.

Microsoft and PHP (via a Yahoo! Merger)

Matt Mullenweg asks, “If Microsoft were to buy Yahoo, I wonder if that would have an impact on PHP?” I think that everyone will have to say, “Yes.” on some level. There are two ways that this impact could take place:

1) PHP is challenged to compete with other languages in the market, that’s either ASP, Ruby, Perl, Python or some new language that comes around. JSP could be re-written to be easier (ha! Like that’s going to happen). PHP is going to be challenged by these languages, at least one of which is tied into Microsoft.
2) PHP will be challenged because Yahoo! needs more of something to deal with their demand. If Microsoft is after Yahoo! for revenue/ad related things then the engines running the machines will be left alone over time. People will adopt PHP (or whatever language) because of its functionality. I personally think that WordPress is a compelling reason to use PHP, Yahoo’s use of it is not as strong as WordPress’ because its easy to get your hands on the source and learn PHP from it.

Yahoo! has a commitment to PHP at present, unless Microsoft dumps their entire staff in charge of making Yahoo! what it is, its going to be a slow transition if it were to change over to .NET/ASP. Industry leaders in the web development/software development community are at Yahoo! working on code and making choices, if Yahoo! loses interest for them they’ll move somewhere else and employ their killer PHP skills there.

PHP libraries like PHP Cake (which I’m using for a new project) make using PHP fun and easy. I think PHP will be around for years to come because of what it is: fast, easy and powerful. I hope Microsoft causes PHP to change, Yahoo! or not. I also hope that Yahoo! opens up more than their YUI library so that coders can learn PHP stuff from them as well.

Thanks Matt for the interesting question!