Thankful Thursday: Three Nadias

Good grief!  Its been a long time since I was thankful on a Thursday.  So I’m going to be thankful today for three Nadias.  In alphabetical order 🙂

Our WorldVision child is named Nadia.  We get periodic stuff about her well being, but after hurricane Ike caused a lot of trauma, I’m glad to hear that she is well.  I’m thankful for the opportunity to sponsor a child and and that she’s growing up and maturing with health and food and a family.  We need to send her a letter to tell her that.  I’m a bad sponsor in that department, but I’m thankful for the opportunity nonetheless.

My second Nadia to be thankful for is my niece.  When I look at these pictures I just smile.  She’s getting bigger and bigger and soon she’ll be getting married talking to me instead of just smiling at me.  I’m thankful she’s growing and is generally a healthy well taken care of baby girl.

Lastly, but not leastly: our friends daughter Nadia just makes us smile (and sometimes cry – in a good way) when we get to see her in person and online at the YouTube.  I’m thankful for our friends and their amazing care for not only their daughter, but so many others directly and indirectly.

Thank you to all three Nadias.  You bless us.

Thankful Whatever Day

Today is Friday.  The day after Thursday, which is the official day of thankfulness around here, but since my posting is as consistent as a politician in a tough week of financial news, I’m just going to post a bit of thankfulness today.

One Set of In-Laws are in town and I’m thankful for them.  They really are swell folks and I’m enjoying the time with them.

My mom had her birthday Wednesday – she’s a great mom, and I’m thankful for her a lot.

Abby is growing up a lot the last couple weeks.  We put her into a charter school program and we really, really like it.  I’m thankful for her

My sister-in-law who is living with us constantly makes us smile.  She’s a blessing and we hope that we can get some more time with her before she finds a scad of friends and leaves us in the dust 😉

Time with friends.  We’ve also had some friends over in the chaos of the last few weeks and enjoyed their company.

Time with family.  My brother’s family came into town a few weekends ago and I’m finally getting to blog about it in tiny micro-bits: We love them and had a great time.  Pictures should be forthcoming some time this year.

Thankful Thursday: My Ex-Girlfriend

I was just telling my mother via IM that I was glad to have had the girlfriend I had before Jessica because she really made Jessica stand out.  That probably sounds like a slight, but later changes in her life lead me to believe that she grew a lot as a person, as did I.  The ex-girlfriend is often a marker for comparison, and I just didn’t have a lot of girlfriends so this one had the unfortunate position based on a weird High School boy and his whims as well as various other circumstances which will remain shrouded in mystery because she doesn’t need me to air things that I have no business airing. I’m genuinely grateful for the roughly three months we ‘went out’ because it gave me a greater context.  The XGF had to put up with my ‘no kissing’ rule which meant that on a few occasions when she wanted me to kiss her I had to refrain and she probably felt I was holding back.  Perceptive, and accurate.  My no kissing rule involved not kissing a girl unless I knew I was going to marry her.  That made things a bit restrictive as you can imagine.  But with out the XGF I would have missed out on Jessica’s brilliance in the particular context I did.

Jessica’s love for Christ, her genuine listening to me, and her commitment to her family and desire to respect her parents made her stand out like Yao Ming at an ewok convention.  Her honesty was compelling.  Her asking questions and wondering about biblical things meant she was trying to sort through things and make sense of what she was learning and it meant: she was learning.  Jessica was an amazing friend before she was a girlfriend and it was just brilliant to watch her grow in life, in the Lord, and in her desire to make something of her life.  Of course she also looked amazing, had a great brain (her intelligence has always kept me humble) and she liked good food – so it was a great match.  Jessica’s desire to serve her friends was also amazing.  She was still a teenager, but a teenager with a compassionate attitude of service and her willingness to serve blew my mind.

Without the XGF I’d have still probably been drawn to Jessica, but I was very glad to have the contrast that I did.  Jessica is really who I’m thankful for, but I’m also thankful for and still sometimes pray for the XGF simply because she’s a person whom I cared for and I hope she’s doing well.  I hope she’s found a great guy, and I hope that she’s living a great life.

They Are Growing So Up

Tonight while going over an alphabet book with Evie we got to the Strawberries (and of course the letter S) and she said, “We have strawberries! They are growing so up!”  Her expression of their getting bigger and ripe is so fun.  She’s growing so up herself.  My two girls sure do bring me joy.

They’re Merely Five and Two

Tonight we went looking for a present for Jessica’s upcoming thirtieth birthday.  Abby and Evie and I went out on the ‘hunt.’  Abby kept eyeing rather expensive jewelry at the Target.  “That looks beautiful, lets get that!.”  I had to gently tell her no because the budget was not in the $120 range for the girls’ gift.  Evie liked everything that sparkled.  Upon discovering that Target didn’t have anything but a Wii, which I wanted to buy “for Jessica” but did not, we headed off to Kohl’s to find some jewelry there at Abby’s request.

At Kohls she spotted a pair of ear rings that had a strand of rainbow colored glass embedded in them.  A rainbow that certainly catches the eyes of the young onlookers.  I totally disappointed her by saying that mommy would probably not have an outfit to go with the ear rings.  Needless to say we did not find any jewelry at Kohl’s either because what the five year old liked the two year old didn’t like.  What the five and two year old liked daddy didn’t like.  And what daddy liked the five and two year old were sure would make mom look ‘boring’.  Next time we go out I’m bringing cash and eash one of them will get to pay for their respective gifts, and it’ll help them learn that the $400.00 necklace is really out of their reach.

We walked to the register with Abby telling me that she had enough money in her piggy bank at home for the gift she wished we were buying.  I love her confidence, we just need to work on the financial math 🙂

Thankful Thursday: Listy Edition

Yesterday I watched the girls playing outside. Evie had been bundled up and put on one of her hats (I should have taken a picture) with little bits of material spiking out atop it. Abby was running about playing in the small remnants of snow as she likes to do even though we tell her to avoid the mud. Jessica was doing something in the kitchen next to me (I believe dishes were being put away, but I don’t recall clearly enough). Life was good. I’m very, very blessed to have the family that I do.

I’m thankful for

  • My family
  • My friends
  • My clients
  • My church
  • My Bible study group
  • My blogs
  • My house
  • My general health (parasite aside)
  • My country (wacky as some of it may be)
  • Pictures to remember much of this by
  • The imagination I’ve been given
  • You for reading this

Thankful Thursdines Day

This Valentines day I will simply state that I am thankful for my bride. Yeah, I’ve been thankful for her before, but she does rock the Casbah. In fact, speaking of rock, Abby was surprised to learn that Jessica liked rock music. For some reason the constant kids music Jessica would play to pacify the children led Abby to believe that Jessica would prefer to listen to kids music and the cranky daddy was the one who liked rock music.

Turns out my Ska, Rock, Classic Rock, Alternative Rock and generally music loving wife isn’t as big on Backyardigans as Abby had first thought. I’m thankful for that, too!

Thankful Thursday: Christmas Time

I loves me some Christmas time.  Once I get past the fear of having purchased the worst possible gift for Jessica I enjoy the time.  I have a psychological disorder that probably has a name but I don’t know it, so I’ll call it GivingJessicaTheWrongPresentPhobia.  I am always afraid she’ll open up the present and say, “You got me this?!  I hate this!  It is the worst present ever given on a holiday other than the time that you didn’t ask me out on Valentines day.”  This fear is not a legitimate fear, but the part of my man-brain that second guesses every thing I do in regards to Jessica works over time there and is always on vacation when I say something that causes an argument.

We had a great time with family and even got to video chat with some family in other parts of the country.  I loves me some Skype, too!  I was able to get a mere 5 hours of sleep or so the night of Christmas Eve, but that was OK, too.  We had an enjoyable Christmas eve service at church as well.  You can listen to the recording of the MP3 here.

I am thankful for my family yet again, and I’m also thankful for the thoughtful gifts that I received – I hope nobody else has GivingRandyTheWrongPresentPhobia 😉

Friday Grab Bag ‘O’ Stuff

This last week has been quite a week.  Its been a week where I have had ups, downs, sideways, diagonals, and hobbitses.  This week they announced that there will be two new J.R.R. Tolkien based films.  Peter Jackson will be producing, but not directing.

I got to do help participate in the potty training of Evie.  Which is going.

I got to give some feedback to a client that I felt needed to be stated, even if it wasn’t popular.

I got to go to the doctor regarding my parasite.  The doctor didn’t quite believe I have a parasite even though I have the lab results to show that I did, in the past, have a parasite – maybe its gone now.  I’m skeptical.

I got to hug and kiss my wife and tell her that I love her.  That’s important and good to do.

I got to hug and kiss my girls and tell them that I love them.  That’s also important and good to do.

Lots of other stuff happened.

Merry Christmas a few days early – which I’ll repeat on the actual day of celebration.

Thankful Thursday: Lotsa Family

This week has been a tough family week for various reasons, I’m not going to blog all of the details other than to say that I love my family.  Extended, immediate, far, near or otherwise.  I love you all a ton.  Last night I slept half the night in Evie’s new twin bed (with her snuggled up next to me) so that she could sleep and I could sleep.  I love her lots and am thankful for her, even if at two in the morning she was screaming her head off because she didn’t want to sleep in the new bed that cost us money that she can’t comprehend.  Hopefully today will have a good daytime nap she likes on the bed, and tonight we’ll have her sleep happily in it.