Tough Day

Today was a tough day for the girls.  They were both out of sorts.  Evie has some teeth coming and and I’m not 100% sure what’s getting to Abby.  She’ll be five in two weeks (22nd) and she’s just been disobedient and she fell a few times from her jungle gym in the backyard.

Jessica spent much of the day scrubbing the kitchen down from top to bottom.  It looks fantastic.  She just told me it, ” was so disgusting.”  And by my standards it was looking OK.  Apparently she’s just got higher standards 😉  Actually, the kitchen gets dirty fast because both girls, as old as they are, have a way of trashing any area within minutes of entry.  Some people might even go so far as to say seconds from entry.  I would be one of those people.

The last thing that made today tougher is that my buddy Dave, whom I have worked with as a co-worker or as a contractor for years now, is moving on to another company.  He’s a really, really sharp guy, a neat brother in the Lord, and he’s also funny.  All three of those things made working with him great and I’m sure that the folks at his new place of employment will really enjoy him for those reasons and more.


I have seen two snakes, of the garden variety, around my house.  Two!  Its pretty cool to see those sorts of critters since we have a garden.  As if the snakes weren’t cool enough Abby today watched in rapt awe as a spider wrapped up an earwig near our back porch.  She said that it was wrapping the earwig in its yarn.  You just have to love kids’ vocabulary.

Scabby Abby

Last night Abby had a fall at the park while I was at Bible Study at the Doyle’s.  She scraped up her knees, her left arm (yes, she’s left handed like several of her grandparents and her mother), the left side of her face and her nose.  She’s OK, but she’s rather scabby.  She’s a sweetheart though and is toughing it out rather well.

Abby’s Dance Recital

Today is Abby’s dance recital.  She’ll be doing the performance around 2:30 or maybe later, but here’s video from the dress rehearsal.  Unfortunately I’m not allowed to photograph or record in any way the final performance.  Dictatorship being what it is, I wasn’t assigned the duty of video work (and this clip is probably a good enough reason why), and I also was instructed that taking video would lead to my demise as a parent at said recital.

Anyway, here’s the video [requires Quicktime size: 7 MB]:  Abby’s Dance Recital 2007-05-19

Estes Park III

If you’re in estes park, make sure that when you take a hike you don’t sneak up on a bobcat in the wild:

A bobcat in the wild

We didn’t realize it at first, but just around this bend and down the road a few miles was the RMNP, we drove through town where we had seen signs to Rocky Mountain National Park and it wrapped around to by where our lodge was and took us to around this bend:

Fall River, Estes Park, CO

On the way home from this whole adventure Abby found out that she could stretch out a diaper wipe she had pilfered and turn it into a blind fold.  I think she’s super creative, but this is super funny 🙂  She fell asleep with it on.

Abby sleeps with her lady justice blindfold on

I Must Speak the Wrong Dialect

Today on my lunch break I put Evie in bed and got her settled.  She was asleep, I came out to the kitchen and hugged Abby who had been instructed to go to the bathroom and then Jessica would tuck her in (Jessica has lunch tucking in duties for Abby and I have night time tucking in duties).  Abby screamed all the way down the hallway about making sure mommy was tucking her in.  I told her sternly, “Be quiet, your sister is supposed to be sleeping!”  I was making sure that I wasn’t also really loud and therefore proving myself an idiot.  No progress, she continued to be loud and slam things around the bathroom as she went to the bathroom and washed her hands.

Toilet sounds, stool unfolding and being slammed in front of the counter, water on at full blast to make the most noise, and lastly the loudest hand wiping you have ever heard.

I swear I must be speaking adult-ese, which is a slightly different dialect of English that her little mind cannot fathom.

Abby is Now Signed Up for School

Abby is now signed up for school, which is to say that Jessica is an emotional mess.  OK, mess, is an overstatement, but its really hitting her that her baby is not much of a baby any more.  Abby will be attending a one day a week school that will allow us to do a hybrid of homeschooling and public schooling.  The city of Aurora hosts this program that will allow her to go in and do things in a classroom environment.  That’s all I know about this system other than when she’s in high school she’ll be able to take college courses and I’ll get to pay a lot less for them.  Yeah for school!