Thankful Thursdines Day

This Valentines day I will simply state that I am thankful for my bride. Yeah, I’ve been thankful for her before, but she does rock the Casbah. In fact, speaking of rock, Abby was surprised to learn that Jessica liked rock music. For some reason the constant kids music Jessica would play to pacify the children led Abby to believe that Jessica would prefer to listen to kids music and the cranky daddy was the one who liked rock music.

Turns out my Ska, Rock, Classic Rock, Alternative Rock and generally music loving wife isn’t as big on Backyardigans as Abby had first thought. I’m thankful for that, too!

Abby’s Hair

Abby got her hair cut yesterday.  Not trimmed, but cut.  Her hair has always been long but she came down stairs and asked me, “Daddy, mommy says I have to ask you if I can get my hair cut short.  Can I please?”  And in true non-committal fashion I said, “Let me go upstairs and talk to your mother.”  I went upstairs and conceded.  It is something that I knew would happen, she’s been asking for a while for shorter hair and it was well and good for her to start to assert some of her growing up decision making skills.  So her hair is shorter now, about shoulder length.  I’ve not got a picture yet, but I’ll be taking one soon and I’ll get it up on the interwebs shortly.

As a dad this is kinda cool, kinda scary, and kinda important.   Its cool because it is an opportunity to see my daughter grow up and mature over time.  Her desire to maintain a physical appearance that she’s pleased with is interesting.  She’s not one of those girls who has no will and is apathetic, she’s very opinionated, and her hair and clothes are part of that.  It is scary because she’s growing up.  My baby girls aren’t babies any more.  I have a very mature five and a half year old and a toddler who is showing that she’s wanting to be an independent five year old, too.  Its important that Abby cut her hair because I want her to start understanding about decisions and their short term, medium term and long term impact.  We joked that we couldn’t glue the hair back onto her so she had to make the choice understanding that.

She loves her new hair and has told everyone to look at it that she has seen (vanity? yup. We’re working on taming that, too).  She’s proud of her new look.  Frankly, I’m proud of my little girl.  She’s growing up fast, but I’m glad to see where she’s growing.  Its a blessing to be her dad.

Update: Girls Still Kinda Sick

We skipped church today because the girls are still not 100%.  Yesterday we were driving to the library thinking everyone was still better and then Evie puked twice as much stuff as is physically possible to fit into a body her size all over herself and the inside of our car (can you say, “yucky,” class?).  Then Abby came into our room this morning and announced that she wasn’t feeling well again.  Basically the sickness sticks with us, but I’m going to watch the Super Bowl this evening in an attempt to find out if my acquaintance, Shaun O’Hara, leads his New York Giants to victory, or if he’ll have to settle for having just gone to the Super Bowl.

Two Sick Girls

Jessica and I slept poorly last night as both girls were taking turns waking us up to hurl.  Its very, very difficult to watch your babies be sick.  Pray for them (its probably just a 24 hour bug, but either way, its tough), and us.  We don’t want to get sick, and we don’t want to have to watch our girls be sick either.

On the upside they still have a healthy appetite despite uneating shortly after eating.

Old Man

I am an old man.  Ancient.  I recall Ataris.  I recall Nintendo Entertainment Systems (NES) and I spent way too many hours playing Super Mario Brothers 1-3 in my youth.  Abby just came in with Evie on her tail singing the praises of the Wii because it had this new game with this one guy who went into outer space.  She knew to tell me that it was available at Target (a store she knows I like).  I asked her if she meant Super Mario Galaxy.  Excitedly she let me know that Mario was the guy.

Old.  I’m just old.

Naughty Children and the Lying Parents that Lie to Them

Today at “Old Knavy” we were looking at clothes in the “I like pink” section for children and a mother, whose child was out of hand, said to her child who was out of hand, “See?  Those girls just asked their mommy & daddy why you were being so naughty.”  Jessica and I began to laugh because 1) our girls were just being out of hand seconds earlier and 2) the mother was lying to her daughter to get her daughter to obey.

I think that this mother totally missed the boat – if you’re going to lie to your children scare the carp out of them.  Make them wish they had never been naughty because of the aliens on the other side of the clothing rack that are ready to suck their brains out through little straws that will go into your children’s ears.  That will cause your children to stop being naughty.  When they’re as young as our children are peer pressure just doesn’t have the same effect.  Of course my children will be disciplined for naughtiness in large quantities and it appears that the girl we were witnessing gets disciplined when Santa comes to visit with the 3,500 dollars in presents come every holiday.  That is to say… never.

A Post Wherein Abby Joins Girl Scouts

Abby will be going to her first Girl Scouts meeting this afternoon. Jessica is taking her and has told me (though I’m not convinced) that its not going to involve cookies at this age. At this age.  Next year or the year after she’s going to be hawking diabetes-in-a-box to help send her to a camp where they’ll teach her how to be a feminist [I’ve put my foot down, once the cookies come out, so does Abby].  Yeah! Sure, I sound skeptical, but the truth of the matter is that I’m actually just afraid that my girl is growing up.

When I was a young boy I had the chance to join the Boy Scouts but I passed up on it because of reasons I don’t even remember. However, Abby is a little social butterfly and so the idea of her turning into a brownie or whatever they call the girl scouts her age – twinkies, dough-girls, or what have you – just means that she’s going to have yet another place to be extroverted. Its good for her. I’m just going to keep telling myself that.

Thankful Thursday: Singing Children

My girls both sing loudly about random things they are thinking.  Abby will walk around on our terrace in the back yard and sing loudly about princesses, God, jungle gyms, bikes and rocks.  Loudly.  Evie, right now as I write this, is singing in the other room as well.  I can’t make out what she’s singing, but she’s doing it joyfully.  There’s something wonderful about little girls singing and making noise that just brings a smile to my face.  I am thankful to God for my little girls and their singing.  I hope they never stop – as long as they keep off of American Idol.  Heaven forbid they get on national television singing some made up song about jungle gyms 😉 [not really – unless the judges mock them]


Abby is five today.  Five years ago we were in the hospital and Jessica was in intense labor (at the time of this writing, according to my computer she’ll be five in a few more hours).  I can’t believe how much has changed in our lives since Abby was born, but much of that change is in direct relation to our having had Abigail.  I remember doing a lot of crying when Abby was born.  They were tears of joy and I’m sure they mixed with snot as I whimpered, wept and rejoiced over the new life I was seeing in front of me instead of her wiggling in Jessica’s stomach.

Abby can walk, talk, chew gum, read, imagine and laugh.  My mother has often told me that my smile is something she remembers most about me growing up and I can certainly say that Abby’s smile is what lingers in my memories as well.   Abby’s laughter and calling me silly, or asking me to tickle her, is something that I will cherish and recall when I hand her off some day to a husband who will hopefully find her to be one tenth as beautiful as I think she is.

Abby is smarter than I think any other children her age are.  I’m probably rather biased.  I’m rather biased about my daughters and wife, but I think that’s acceptable. [editors note: I’m crying now so I’ll stop.  What a pansy guy I am ;)]

Happy Birthday, Abigail Ruth!  Your mother and I love you very, very much!  I hope five is more wonderful than four.

Things to Remember

This morning I asked Abby about a song that I had heard her singing along with on a kids CD. She began to sing it. I joined in at one point and then she stopped and told me that in the recording of the song at times only the kids sang because they knew, “… the anniversaries**.”

** that is verses in case you’re not quite sure what she was trying to say