Well, I got a strange complement yesterday on the phone talking to my friend Krystal. She had said that one of the elders’ wives had told her she really needed to listen to a recording of the first apologetics class that I’ve been co-teaching with my dad. I said, “Wow, that wasn’t even one of my better prepared classes.” She clarified that the reason she had been told to listen to it was this: that it was hilarious. Apparently instead of preparing people for the contents of the class I was comic relief. Such is life, I suppose it could be worse and people could be warning, “Stay away from that class – Randy’s boring and has no clue whatsoever about anything that comes out of his mouth.”
I’m actually excited about teaching this class because its full of things that I haven’t thought about in a while and I’m re-learning and learning new things about my faith in God and in my understanding of the way the human mind works. Maybe in the future there’ll be some good recordings available as MP3’s on the church website.
Rumor has it that the Apologetics course taught by Randy Peterman and Vern Peterman is completely worth the hearing. Yes, Randy is a riot to listen to and makes me laugh outloud but he also loves the Lord Jesus Christ and knows that without Him there is no defense of anything. . .let alone a faith. I am going to await the MP3s on the Holly Hills website and download them on the ipod shuffle I dream about.