Lunch With Mike

Had lunch with Mike Doyle of [insert something witty here] fame. What a neat brother in Christ! He’s an elder at Holly Hills and so I was glad to talk with him and get to know him a little better. He teaches the and looks at all of the Post Acts 2 New Testament through the eye of the Positional Truths. If you’re not familiar with those as I wish I had been all along they are that the Christian
1) Has died with Christ
2) Been buried with Christ
3) Been resurrected with Christ
4) Ascended to the Heavenlies with Christ
5) Is seated in the Heavenlies with Christ.

Those are positional truths as in they are sealed and accomplished right now for the Christian. They define our position as believers. At the same time while in these ‘mortal coils’ (our bodies) we also are experiencing the frustration of our condition. The thing about our earthly condition is that it may not match our heavenly position. However, because our position is sealed we can walk in grace through our conditional lives. When we receive our new heavenly bodies our condition and position will be ‘synchronized.’ Until then hold strong knowing that your condition may at times not line up with our position, but we need to be thinking with the mind of Christ and walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is making intercession for you so that whatever shortcomings your flesh has, He and Christ will make up for to balance out your condition and position (Romans chapter 8) [Picture: timeline].