The Three Year Old Contains More Food than Physics Has Previously Allowed For

Last night our little baby girl puked up everything that could possibly have been contained in her gut and probably her left leg.  Jessica and I both got to help clean up puke on beds, floors, pillows, blankets and surfaces that I didn’t know could get puke on them.  Evie was volatile and while I’d love to make jokes so that we could all laugh, it broke my daddy heart.

Jessica was an amazing wife and let me stay in bed on multiple ocassions.  She soloed some of the cleanup herself.  Then, this morning Abby got up with a cold and cough.  Hopefully this morning small doses of various things will help them both.  I love my family and this was not the return from a short trip to TX that I had hoped for 🙂

3 thoughts on “The Three Year Old Contains More Food than Physics Has Previously Allowed For

  1. We have had kids puking all over tarnation this week. Coincidentally, our washer stopped working this week. There is nothing like having soiled sheets and towels stewing your laundry room.

  2. This is why I always tell new parents about the 3 essentials to parenting well: Love, Literature, and a Shop Vac.

  3. Wow….Yeah, I spilled some chili on the kitchen floor yesterday. I had to clean it up. I’d like to say that I know how y’all feel, but I can’t. I have enormous respect for you parents out there. Someday, Lord willing, I might join your ranks, but until then, I’ll just chill on the sidelines in utter amazement at the prodigious patience proper parenting produces.

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