This evening at Abby’s T-Ball “switched-up sports” Abby had a pretty good time. She didn’t obey the coach 100% of the time, but she did manage to spin around with her brand new, not so soft, leather glove… right into my male body parts which are certainly not accustomed to such intense contact.
I’m pretty sure this will help keep our family of four, four. But the upside to this is that Abby was very apologetic, which I can’t explain clearly enough. She repeated her apology over and over until I whispered out, “I forgive you.” Which was what she needed to hear, because after that she was ready to play catch with another boy who pretty much immediately cried when she threw the ball to him and caught him in the chest when he wasn’t expecting it.
I guess I don’t have to worry about her and boys quite yet 😉
Wow. Go, Abby!!! rofl