So yesterday we went to a mall that is opening not too far from our house (15-20 minutes I guess) where they had advertised as having a “live” Strawberry Shortcake show. When we arrived, along with about 600 of our closest friends (we actully knew one family there, which was amazing by itself) they started the show with a live ‘MC’ who was going to lead the Strawberry Shortcake ‘show’ along with a CD of Strawberry Shortcake and her diabetes inducing cohorts. Except that the CD had a scratch on it (or the player was severely busted). So the MC guy would say, “Hey, everybody! Are you ready to meet Strawberry Shortcake!?” The audience would go wild and then the Strawberry Shortcake music would start to play in that CD skipping fashion, “Doo-doo-d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d”. Then it came time for Strawberry to say something. And by say something at a live action show they mean a CD plays a pre-recorded Strawberry Shortcake bit. What they really should have had happen was get someone next to the mixer board to just say the silly parts. It was ten minutes or so of completely silliness. But in the end the kids were happy because they got to meet/hug/wipe snot on Strawberry Shortcake.
On the up side only 6 kids got speparated from their parents and had to be taken by ‘officials’ to the D.A.R.E. truck that costs more than most Aurora Police make in a year. Another up side was that I got slightly sunburned from having to walk from the outskirts of the packed parking lots into the place where they were doing the show. I guess its good preparation for when I have to go Christmas shopping.