I had lunch with Abby today. Jess wasn’t feeling well and so she was napping. Abby and I sat at her little play table in her ‘area’ and we quietly ate our food. I love my daughter and she is so beautiful to me. As I was ascending the stares I kissed towards her and she blew me a kiss back. There is nothing more special to a father (well, a quasi-sane father at least) than some sort of affection such as a blown kiss. She snuggled me a lot yesterday since she wasn’t feeling as well during the day and I cherish those sort of things. I know one day she’ll be grown up, and every person who’s got grown children tells me its going to go fast, but I see it going fast already. We’ll be having Evie shortly and it amazes me that I’m going to have a second little girl.
How can one be more precious than the other? They aren’t. I know they’ll both be little pistols and I’m going to have to work hard to keep my head straight. I know they’ll be different, but I know that they’ll be the same in that I’ll love them both with as much of me as I can and that I’ll have to let them go – they’re not mine to keep, but to provide for until some guy marries one of them and then another guy marries the other… its a big job, but I’m enjoying it. Abby and Evie, if you ever read this, know that I love you both a lot and I can’t wait to see where God takes you, even in the hard times I’ll (and We’ll, your mom loves you, too!) be praying for you and will want to give you as much love as I can.
Keep making me laugh, its practice for heaven.