Eh, Regardless

Dan Klass of The Bitterest Pill podcast noted the death of the comedian Freddy Soto. I had never heard of Freddy Soto before but the video clips on his site cracked me up [note: I’m not responsible for it and you’ll want to have discernment…]. One of which involved the phrase ‘Eh, Regardless.’ You’ll have to watch the clip to understand.

I said it in front of Abby and she repeated it over and over on the airplane until Jessica and I were nearly crazy. It’s funny now, but on the ‘plane I wanted to get her to stop.

In fact, ‘Regardless’ became the anti-word for my sister-in-law, Kelsey’s ‘Seriously.’ Every time she said seriously we would retort with regardless. In fact by the end of the week we would have a banter of something like:
Kelsey: …Seriously.
John: Stop.
Me: Regardless.
John: I’m not even kidding.

Yes, that’s slightly bizaare, but that’s what you’ve come to expect on this here blog. Seriously.

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