Last Weekend

Last weekend we stayed at the Kaes‘ house and watched their children Kailey and Trystan. We had a great time (though I didn not manage to get enough sleep) and I think Kailey and Trystan still like us. Abby did well and managed to not injure herself, which is a bonus since she seems to go out of her way to get hurt while at their house 🙂 Craig and Krystal had a good time on their anniversary weekend trip and warned us that we too would probably have a good time on our weekend trip this coming weekend. The aspens are changing colors right now and I ordered a new digital camera to get some really top quality pictures (of course I’ve figured out how to spend thousands of dollars in new equipment to complement the new camera).

Sunday afternoon we went to the Egypt exibit at Denver Museum of Nature and Science, or Natural Science and Nature Museums, or Denver Museum of the Expensive Viewing of Dead, Mummified People [Thanks for taking us Mom and Dad!]. The reason we went is because my mom had a birthday. And since she was getting older looking at even older people made her feel younger. Plus, Abby, seeing a display of the Mars MER rover said, “Look Dad, Chocolate Poo-poos.” Of course that was in refernce to the rocks at the bottom of the display.

Sunday night we took my parents out to dinner at the Claim Jumper, which is a pretty nice restaurant with generous portions and the largest cake slices I have ever seen. We ate good food but the actual waitress’ service was not so good. I had to ask for refills regularly as she walked by and smiled without actually looking at our table’s contents. However, I believe my mother enjoyed the meal, which was the purpose of the evening. Oh, and Abby made her own chocolate poo-poos in the restaurant’s restroom, whichw as good since had she done it in her pants it would have been much more challenging 😉