December 5-7 2003

The Alt-N trip to Cancun.
Pictures provided by our little Kodak digital camera 🙂

cancun from the plane

A view from the Plane as we were landing.

The Beach from our hotel room

A view of the beach from our room.

The beach from our room 2

Here you see a slightly different view.

The beach from our room 3

Isn’t this also a nice view?

Hot and Water

What are the chances a girl like that and a guy like that would get together?



Dolphins are a tasty snack – when they’re orange and for kids.

Don’t eat these at home.

snorkeling prep

Fashion Sea Horses 😉

snorkeling is fun

This is so cool!

butter soup

After you play with dolphins you should always have a hearty bowl of
butter soup.

sunset as we come home to the mainland

This is what we watched as we rode the ferry back from Isla Mujeres.

Louanne and Jess

Louanne and Jessica on the beach Sunday Morning.
What good friends!