Jessica is all excited about some starchy movie that’s been released on DVD
this week, Freaky Fry Day.
It sounds like a bad teenie bopper movie about some teens who work at a fast
food joint and discover that their deep fat frier is creating monsters
that will take over the world if they don’t figure out the write mixture
of other fast food chemicals to counter the morbid fat.
However, I’m actually an informed individual and I know the movie is really
just a straight to the store take-off of Toy Story.
This of course looks like its going to try to ride on the coat tails of
another smash food hit, Lord of the (Onion) Rings.
You’d think this sort of trash wouldn’t sell but apparently the American
public is not discerning in its eating patterns or entertainment.
That’s of course not a big surprise, I mean we’re on Survivor 6 (or is this
600? I haven’t watched a full episode before).
Technically if you want to see people survive make them eat
only fast food for weeks at a time and watch what happens
to them.
It could be more tolling than the latest strain of the flu.
Actually, after I’m done typing this up I’m going to be going to be going to
rent Freaky Friday and I’m going to watch it with Jessica.
I understand that there is some really funny stuff in the movie.
I also understand that my humor is not main stream, which is why
Dave Barry
is a Pulitzer Prize winning writer and I’m a self supported blogger.
Speaking of Dave Barry, I’m reading his most recent (to my knowledge) body of
work, Boogers Are My Beat.
This is great!
It is actually a compilation of his writing for “The Herald,” but they’re
good writings, ones you’d put on your refridgerator when your kid brings
them home with “Good Job!” in red ink on them.
If you don’t have any kids then you might not do this, however if you have
kids you have or will do this, trust me, I have done this lots of times
with my imaginary kids.
The End
I’m so close to the end of the book of “The Revelation of Christ”
(Revelation) in my reading through the New Testament that I can almost
taste it.
I’ve only got a chapter and a half left, I hope to finish tonight.
Next year, I’d like to invite you to read through the Bible with me.
It’ll take dedication and self control, but if we read about 4 chapters a
day we can do it twice in a year.
Resting in Him,
Randy “Is a Really Punny Guy” Peterman