Proving yet again that I’m a ‘closed-minded’ Christian* I’m upset by the
highly publicized new show The L Word.
If you’re unfamiliar with the show name and its thematic concept it is being
described as Sex in the City with Lesbians in it.
However, what is really bothersome is that almost every interview I see has
something in it about how they want to change how America views
I (currently) have lesbian next door neighbors, whom I don’t verbally assault
them, key their car, egg their apartment or rip down their rainbow
‘Christmas’** lights.
In fact, I hope that I may show the love and kindness of Christ and that
they’d see I am not out to be self-righteous.
But I digress.
This new show just doesn’t seem to be in the public’s interest.
Right now many critics may be asking, “But Randy, what about [insert other
show name here]? I don’t see you critical of it.”
That is right.
Mostly because I don’t have time to write an essay decrying the sins of
[insert other show name here].
The thing I’m trying to point to is that if a show is based on morally
apprehensible concepts, concepts that are not found to be edifying in the
scripture, we may have to ask why we’re watching it.
A secondary point that I must add is that we walk in grace.
Our salvation comes from a righteous God who gave us His Son’s righteousness
when we accepted His free gift to us.
This means that watching any show will not revoke your salvation.
It also means that if anyone turns from sexual sin, repents and turns their
hearts to Christ that they will be lovingly accepted by Christ.
It is the responsibility of the church to also lovingly accept those people
who turn from sin.
Instead of being closed-hearted, a greater sin than mental stubbornness, let
us openly love those around us.
Let us be lights to the world, and encourage everyone we can to embrace the
life of good works that God has placed before us (Eph. 2:10).
Resting in Him,
Randy “Inflammatory” Peterman
* Closed-minded is a really bad phrase to use, but I figured that’s
the label I’ll get labeled with.
I’d be much keener on people understanding that I’m an advocate for truth,
and believe that I have comprehended part of truth (not all of it because
only God (as described in and by the Bible) knows all truth).
The opinions in this article do not necessarily reflect the ideas of anyone
else. This includes family, friends, co-workers, my employers, people
I live near, old dogs, young dogs, pharmacists, sprinkler installation
specialists and small rodents or attorneys.
** Not sure how completely anti-Christian ideas like
Lesbianism warrant celebrating Christmas.
Seems awfully contrary to their lifestyle.
It’s like, “Yeah, the savior is born, the one who will let us in to heaven
if we repent of our sin and come to know him.
Lets blatantly live in our sin.”