A Funny Story to Keep You Secure

If I were Bruce Schneier and I had witness the following conversation I would tell the story at any possible opportunity because what you’re about to read is true, and stupid.  Instead this story comes from my friend, Dave.  Dave was telling me that while he was waiting for the shuttle at a hotel to take him to some destination the following occured:

 Two co-workers checked in together, one headed off to his room, the other asked the clerk what the first guy’s room number was… She wouldn’t give it out, “privacy” she said.  Good for her.

I decided to “help out” (okay, I like tweaking people), so I went up asked if he was in 105 ’cause I stayed in that one before and it had a funny smell…

She said, “No, he’s in 104.”

You just can’t make this stuff up 🙂