
When I’m walking on the sidewalk I have to take a consistent number of steps per ‘chunk’ of sidewalk.  The average sidewalk rectangle takes about two steps to traverse.  I know this because I’m more than likely counting the steps.

I also like to visually follow lines in the sidewalk to their destination.   If they were lasers they might cut through that house or tree or fence and then they would keep going.

I blame my parents for these problems 😉  My dad and mom cultivated a healthy imagination in my young mind which has served me well for various things, but it also means that at times my imagination doesn’t shut off or that, worse, when my imagination takes hold of something morbid, something wicked, or something strange, it keeps going.  My co-contractor and friend Matt once told me to stop when I was riffing on something with a waiter because everyone else had run the concept through their minds and were done and mine was still going.  I think the waiter was glad Matt asked me to stop.

You’ll notice on other blog posts that I like to write about things that escalate or lists that have three things in them.  I write like this because its part of my brain’s imaginary trajectory of things.  If it has three things its thorough enough for my laziness, if it has more than that it is my brain letting loose.  The mouse trap story from a few days ago is a perfect example.  I had to take the mouse in the garbage can to a large universal perspective because my brain didn’t let go.

I have problems, but they’re ones that I’ve lived with for so long that I don’t think about them.  My imagination tells me that my father-in-law will read this and say, “Ah, it all makes sense now.”  My mom will read this and think, “Randy, I’m sorry for somehow making you weird.  Its mostly your father’s fault.”  My dad will read this and he’ll think about all of the weird things he did as a kid and how he continues to do them, too.  I’m most certain that all of this is not related to weird Freudian sexual tension but more than likely related to the fact that I’m probably just an anomally in the Matrix.