and I’m one of the chosen few. They want me to go out and be one of the few, the proud, the Marines. The “re-crew-ter” wanted to schedule a time for me to come down and talk with him about my goals and future. I was touched that at least one agent of my government wanted to know me on such a personal level. No politician has ever wanted that.
But then I realized that this guy just wanted me for my body. That made me feel dirty because I’ve not had any other guy proposition me like that. I’m just a number to him – I think number 5,269. But whatever number I might have been it was nice of him to call. I told him that I have a lovely career and that I have two little girls that I’m not going to leave behind. They can draft me if they need me that bad, but I think that right now they’re using the NASCAR drafters instead. Not to mention I have a wife who would be sad if I was gone on a tour of duty in Iraq that has been extended every time I’m just about to go home like so many of the soldiers have had happen. We have one couple that we are aware of from church (the daughter of some folks at church and her husband) who have been delayed in being back together for several years now. Years.
No thanks, I’ll stick with my zero minute commute and getting to see my family as needed.