Hitching Up the Covered Wagon

We’ll be taking the Oregon Trail to Portland and then heading up to my in-laws North of Vancouver, Washington tomorrow. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to go to Mount St. Helen or maybe I can get some cement boots and swim with the fishes in the Columbia river. I’m going to be helping with some finish work around my in-laws’ house and then we’ll probably all just sleep for a few days because we can.

For those of you whom are worried about me working… I should be doing so for at least part of the time on the trip. Blogging may be lighter than normal, but probably not. I’m often inspired whilst in the mountains, hills and valleys.

One thought on “Hitching Up the Covered Wagon

  1. Can you send me an e-mail adress for Linda please! I printed out the recipes for desserts, addressed an envelope and never mailed it! I need to get her ingredient lists!

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