Ice Cream Blog

I am about this far away

One Inch

from starting an Ice Cream Blog. Yesterday, on Good Eats, my all time favorite cooking show of all time [yes, that was on purpose, grammar people], they dedicated the show to ice cream. Holy Cow [to borrow a Hindu phrase]! I didn’t know that much about Ice Cream, but I want to learn more. I’m determined to become an ice cream snob so that I may help the world understand that Generic Ice Cream is from the Devil and that good ice cream probably has only a few quality ingredients.

This weekend we shall attempt to make Coffee flavored ice cream with Craig Kaes‘ famous home roasted beans. Taking what I learned from Good Eats I’m going to do the following:

  1. Look Up a coffee ice cream recipe or seven
  2. Assuming it uses a base of Vanilla I’m going to try the Good Eats recipe for Vanilla
  3. I’m going to make the base on Saturday [not the ice cream, but the dairy mixture] and let it sit in my fridge over night
  4. Sunday afternoon we will hand crank the ice cream for as long as humanly possible, or longer, and then freeze the ice cream further in the Kaes’ freezer (which means I should really make sure they have room in said freezer) with plastic wrap on the surface of the ice cream to prevent the air on the surface ice crystals from going away tarnishing the otherwise delectible ‘scream’

Oh, and then I’m going to blog about how we all were silent out of awe for the flavor. Or I’ll write how lamentable this experiment was and see if gooder stuff can be made next time.

3 thoughts on “Ice Cream Blog

  1. MMM, Ice cream! sure beats riding in the back of the car singing “I scream, you scream, we all scream for RICE DREAM!” Here are my recently found ice cream discoveries/suggestions.
    1. The higher to cream to milk ratio the better the ice cream-it will stay soft longer and keep better. (so you don’t have to chip out your ice cream)
    2. Make a kind where you make a custard first with eggs which will also produce a richer, SMOOTHER result
    3. We have a fabulous gelato at work that i would imagine is made as such: Toss in some finley crunched up (but not ground) coffee beans during the custard cooking process. This will scent the ice cream with the coffeeness. Then leave the pieces in there to provide delicious flavour bursts as you eat. YUm! This method will also help you avoid the crystalized texture that can sometimes occur if coffee is mixed in, due to coffee’s water content.
    There are my tips! Good luck and good creaming!

  2. Wow! Becky sounds like an expert! How fun! Also, you can leave the ice cream canister in the ice/salt mixture in the bucket and cover it with some towels and/or blankets, checking occasionally to make sure it has enough ice. You should still remove the beater and cork the hole in the top cover to keep ice/salt water from seeping in. Let it ripen a few hours for the best flavor, no matter what flavor you make! Have fun!

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