If You Don’t Vote Tuesday

If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for the Texas Rangers.

If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for Pamela Anderson for Sunday School teacher.

If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for the terrorists.

If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for my beard to grow out to the point where I actually look like a mountain man.

If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for eating a sewage shake.

If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like you don’t count.  Make your Tuesday November the 2nd count.

3 thoughts on “If You Don’t Vote Tuesday

    • No joke I once read that she was teaching Sunday School at some unitarian church. I can’t find a good reference on it now, but either way, that’s, um, probably not full of good content.

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