A New Site is Coming

I’m bound and determined to update the look of this site after the turn of this year. I’ve come up with a good site prototype, but I had another idea just earlier that I’ll try to implement. We’ll see 🙂

In other news, pray for the folks who have been absolutely devastated by the earthquake and tsunamis. Right now.



My Small Part

If you haven’t heard about the Tsunami in Indonesia and effecting large parts of the Indian Ocean, you can get an overview here. Nick Bradbury is offering 100% of profits until the end of the year to help relief. If you want to help support other ways, my buddy Tony and I have started givetwice.org [UPDATE: The server is down! Try using this link to order, temporarily], which will take the portion of the money that Amazon.com gives in revenue to site owners that are part of their associates program to several humanitarian organizations. It’s small, but my partner and I have talked and we want to get this up and running to help others out!

Google Favelet

Favelets are links that only contain javascript that manipulate the content of a page or might possibly do other cool things. You can find a good explanation and some other useful favelets at http://tantek.com/favelets/ However, I just created one that should hopefully be pretty useful. This one should insert the link count in Google for results. Yahoo! adds rank numbers into the HTML, but Google, for whatever reason does not. Hopefully this is useful:
Drag this link into your toolbar or favorites.

Please report any problems with this in the comments.

Windows Rehab

So, I’ve been using the iBook for all of my non-Windows required development. It’s painful. Well, no OS-X isn’t painful, it’s Windows that’ is painful. I keep hitting the crazy Alt key while I’m trying to do things. Why? Because the Apple key is right there on the iBook. The real problem is that I’ve developed new habits and now I’m starting to feel the consequences of my actions. I’m reminded of a statement Jesus once made: You can’t serve two masters. So, I’m having to try to straddle the fence, but it feels like it’s a bad plan. If only they made some sort of Microsoft Visual Source Safe plugin for OS-X (if they do, please post a comment).

Successful Christmas

Flickr Photo

Jessica and Abby

Today was a good day, lots of Presents were exchanged, but most importantly we had a good time with family and friends and enjoyed having Jesus’ birthday party 🙂 This is Jessica helping Abby with her first present in her stocking. More pictures to come.

Super Duper Good News

God, being the great, awesome wonderful God that He is delivered my Nikon 5700 today, the day before Christmas. It’s in GREAT working order and I’ll be pleased to upload more pictures soon to the site. This is the best Christmas Eve present I think I’ve ever gotten!

OK, I’m too excited to blog any more so I’ll go do something more constructive 🙂

Update: Here’s Abby!
Abby In the Tub

Dear Camera Part III

Dear Coolpix Camera,
How was your stay at the repair center? I know you’re nearing completion and you’ll soon be ready to come home. I can’t wait to see you and be able to use the new external flash as well as take great pictures of Abby. Although you’ll miss Christmas this year, I do know that you’ll enjoy the overall trip to California since you haven’t been there before [to my knowledge]. I really hope that you can get here in time for New Years so I can take pictures of Abby asleep on someone’s shoulders while we party like its 1599.

Glad you’ll be home soon. Wish you were here.
