Yesterday I went and collected the yearly tree due to the help of my brother (in Christ) Craig. He’s got a long car with the ability to throw things on the roof so he kindly hauled the branches and bough to our apartment. Unfortunately the diameter of the tree was greater than the (crappy) hoop that came with our tree stand. So I had to cut, whack and hack at the bottom of the tree to get it into the hoop. In the end: we’ve got a tree, but 90 degrees is not quite the angle it’s at. Maybe I can talk Craig into firing up his saw to make some wood bits for me to balance the stand out because the tree is not moving in that ring.
You see, Craig has got a miter saw. It’s slick and I watched him use it with (friendly) envy. It’s quite the saw and I think that when we get a house next year we’ll have to buy one shortly after so that I can cut random pieces of wood with great precision. Enough of Craig’s great saw.
Abby will be joining us in tree decoration shortly and I expect that to be quite, um, intersting 🙂 I’ll post pictures later.