Is It Passion?

I’m listening to the new Roper album and the song ‘Day of Pigs‘ really struck me. This song is about how we can work ourselves up into a frenzy and get good feelings basically by out of drive or desire in the flesh. I used to be rather charismatic (though I’ve had charismatic friends who’ve doubted that) as a teenager. I was convinced that ‘being a Christian meant that I had to be holy.’ While this sounds good it falls so short of what we’re created to be in Christ. The key is ‘in Christ.’ You see, one of the major things I’ve learned since moving to Denver is the fact that I’m in Christ. If you look at Ephesians and Colossians you will see that all of your holiness is Christ’s holiness imputed (credited to your account) to you (Ephesians 4:24). All of your good works are His good works planned out for you to do (Ephesians 2:10) and no matter what you do in this life you are hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3).

What motivates you when you are doing good works? Is it the Holy Spirit? Is it you abiding in Christ and He in you? If it is a deep, pashionate love for your God, then you will, in love abide in Christ. Don’t be drawn to new, more amazing levels of experience. Don’t be drawn to new ideas, but instead be drawn to the principles that are written in scripture. Rather than look at life as mountaintops and valleys (of which I’ve seen plenty in the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies) but instead look at life from the heavenlies where you are positionally seated!

Instead of praying that you will go tell the world the gospel pray every day that you will abide in Christ and that His Holy Spirit would open doors for you to preach the gospel, the good news. And then, when you have met a young, hungry Christian heart, do the untraditional thing, do the biblical thing: disciple them. Stop right there and live with that person (in a figurative sense) until they are equipped to go disciple others. Then you can go onto the next person the Lord brings into your life. At that point in time there will be two disciplers… and then 4… then 8 and so forth. But make sure that your disciples are grounded in God’s word. Make sure they understand clear, concise bible interpretation. If you have not been discipled for any length of time (more than a 6 week discipleship group class) seek an older, wiser, godly elder (your church does have elders doesn’t it?) and ask them to disciple you. Titus 2 calls the older men to teach the younger men and the older women to teach the younger women. This is critical for continuity within the church as well as for good doctrine to be preserved.

It is not that emotion is evil, but that an equipped saint is 1,000 times a brighter light than a strobe light. When we try to go from high to high, or fire to fire we flash, we spark but are we a beacon? I encourage you to seek discipleship. If you’re looking for some good material or want some pointers I recommend which is the material that I was discipled with by my Dad. For further information on spiritual growth I also recommend the books at The Green Letters will challenge you and will give you lots to think about as you grow in your relationship with the Lord.

Passion? I’m clothing myself in Christ, it’s fashion 😉