Day 2, Night 2

Well, the folks at Alt-N rock. Arvel does literally. Everyone else has a great time being social when needed, but also they can get the work done when they need to as well. I’m really enjoying myself and the Texas weather has been on its best behavior. If anything I’ve missed seeing Dave O. who has been home with his sick family.

Tonight we saw Mouk’s apartment in downtown Dallas as well as the view from the top of his building which was fabulous. I must say that I wish I brought my camera because there are so many pictures that could have been taken.

I talked to Abby this evening for a little bit and the little two year old voice melts my heart and makes me want to fly home immediately so I can be with my baby. I miss Jessica as well and can’t wait to be whole again with my family. It’s amazing how absence makes the heart grow ravenous for your spouse and their fellowship. I’m glad I’m married to Jessica.