Abby, What Do You Want For Lunch?

Jessica asked Abby, “What do you want for lunch?”

“Cheese, Pretzels, and Marshmallows,” Abby replied naturally. As if we all have that for lunch every day. The humor for me in this lies in the fact she didn’t say ‘hot dogs’ or ‘fries and chicken’ which are her usual responses. We feed her healthier food than those listed usually, but she sure does know what she likes!

Of course the plan for dinner tonight involved shoving a beer can up a fowl’s nether-regions and grilling it, so I can’t say that as adults we’re too much more sophisticated than her cheese and marshmallows.

One thought on “Abby, What Do You Want For Lunch?

  1. So how was the beer-butt chicken? (that’s what Pete Leonard calls it!) Did you enjoy using the new grill?

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