
I’m in love with my wife.

I know you know that she knows I love her, but I just had to tell everyone. Again. She’s the (blonde) bomb(shell) that I always dreamed of except Jessica has brains, a tender heart and an obsession with whether or not her pants make her butt look big. I should have been dreaming of the brains and tender heart, but when you’re a young adolescent your priorities are often screwed up by your hormones.

Jessica works so hard to keep Abby growing, maturing and learning. She keeps the house up (as much as one can with a crazy, cute two year old running about shreaking, "Here I come!"), she makes great food, she likes great food when we go out and she knows just how to tickle my fancy.

I’m a blessed guy 🙂

One thought on “Confession

  1. And we are blessed both by your love for her and by her as a daughter-in-law, too.

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