Worth the Sacrifice

Jessica made a tray of Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars a couple days ago. I really didn’t want her to because I knew that she’d ask me to eat them so that she wouldn’t. Being a gal concerned about her weight she doesn’t want to eat too many sweets. Well, as the batch of treats got older (by minutes and hours) she continued to ask me to make the sacrifice and finish them off so that she would not have them there to tempt her. This morning I took the plunge and ate the last cookie bar and am glad to have helped my wife in her battle to stay young, fit and trim.

I think this is the call that many men are not strong enough to accept – eating chocolate chip cookie things. When your partner asks you to buck-up lay your gut on the line and consume more sugar than any person should have in a month to help them out, you need to do it. Part of manliness is about serving your partner and protecting her watching out for evil men who have bad intentions, even if those men are the Keebler Elves [shown with WMD].

One thought on “Worth the Sacrifice

  1. It’s great that you are able to struggle through things like this to help Jessica out. I applaud you.

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