Starsky and Hutch

Last night Jessica and I rented ‘Starsky and Hutch’ from BlockBluster (not a typo – they irritate me, I’m just not closer to another rental place to my knowledge – and we don’t rent enough movies for netflix) and laughed a good bit. However, there were a few sexual scenes that we skipped. That aside we enjoyed the humor and really laughed at the outtakes and the gag real. It is hilarious to see Snoop Doggy Dogg dressed so funky instead of gangsta rap. He really is funny in this movizzle 😉

The real clincher for the movie was the shooting up of the horse at the drug dealer’s daughter’s batmitzvah. And the afro’s were priceless. Technology was carefully kept large and funky so nothing felt out of place. Owen Wilson delivers the best dry lines in all of Hollywood while Ben Stiller plays a good fake guy (I think that this was 10,000 times funnier than ‘Zoolander’). I wouldn’t rent this a second time due to the two scenes that were dirty – however, if you aren’t offended by that sort of material this is a pretty good movie.