Two for One

This morning Abby got up early again while I was doing Bible study, but she came out looking so cute (we left her pig-tails in her hair over night) that I took a moment or two to snuggle her.

Later in the morning I got her a cup of milk and she paused from drinking it. Because she was just standing there with her blanket in one hand and her cup of milk in the other I asked, “What are you doing? Are you going to the bathroom?”


“Are you drinking your milk?”


“What are you doing then?”

“I’m holding my blanket.” [Duh, dad]

Later she found a penny and was holding it. I explained to her that it was a penny (which I think made it more valuable). Then I grabbed a handful of change out of my pocket and began to tell her the names of the different coins. I told her that a nickel was worth five pennies, and that a quarter was worth five nickels or twenty-five pennies. Then a dime was worth two nickels and ten pennies. She soaked up all of this information and then I gave her another nickel and said, “Here’s another nickel.”

With great excitement in her eyes she said, “Another Nickel!” and sat down and marveled at all of the coins. I remember being that excited about things so simple, and I thank the Lord for the joy this little girl brings to our lives. What amazes me is that she will be two next month and twenty the month after that (at at least it seems that way).