Powdered by WordPress

One of the strengths of Google is that it can spell check your search terms so that you actually search for what you’re looking for. However, some words, like the title of this post conveys, don’t get corrected because ‘Powdered’ is a real English word. However, I think this person was looking for ‘Powered by WordPress.’ 🙂

I’m not sure what WordPress would do to ‘powder’ your site, but if there was anything that could be done, Matt et al would figure it out and throw it into the program. Maybe I should write the ‘Powder’ plugin since the 1.2 API allows for plugins. Any suggestions as to what the Powder plugin should do are appreciated.

On a similar note I’ve worked up an pretty nice statistics package that I’m thinking of opening up to the WordPress community that can create bar charts and basic reports for your WordPress use. Please let me know if you might be interested in such a thing. A Screenshot can be seen here

6 thoughts on “Powdered by WordPress

  1. Pingback: randypeterman.com/wordpress/ » Error Correcting for Search Engines

  2. I’d be very interested in your stats package as well. My host keeps promising to set up Urchin for everyone, but as a new enterprise they’re still very busy getting all the kinks worked out on more basic stuff. Is this an “upload and run” solution?

    Thanks in advance. 😀

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