Well, I did the upgrade to WordPress, and other than having to fix the blunders that I had made while previously tinkering with the database (Note to self, don’t tinker with that which you don’t fully understand). Now I’m going to just have to re-work the stylesheet to use a look similar to the www.randypeterman.com main site.
There are quite a few new changes to the administration part of the software that are really nice. I think that the developers have understated the improvements by simply calling it 1.2. Unless they’re going for a Sun type maneouver where they’ll create a lot of enhancements call it a point release and then everyone will expect that a point release just means that they’ve created a new version. Some day when Java 2.0 comes out Java will be amazing (theoretically) and some day when WordPress 2.0 comes out, well, who knows, I might be able to think my blog entries and they’ll automagically show up.
Great software!