My good friend Tony mentioned the above title earlier today while we chatted.
The context was the vacation we’ll be taking this weekend to go to Cancun and
he was implying that I would be a wild and crazy guy.
Obviously I like to have a good time and I like to joke around, also, I like
I admit it.
I like to study God’s Word and learn and grow.
I like to study God’s Word because I love God.
He is my father, and He is the one who sent His Son, Jesus to pay the just
penalty for for my sin – death.
I love to get to know my Lord and Savior better.
Sometimes I wonder at how those who reject Christ can say, “If God wants to
forgive me, why doesn’t He just do that rather than make me go through
this Jesus guy?”
It is a misunderstanding of God’s grace and the wonderful work of
Yes, this weekend I will go wild.
There will be parties and I might be at some of them, but not as a hooligan
or reveller in man-centered pleasures, instead I plan on being a light.
A joyful, hope-filled light for Christ.
Enjoying my position as a sanctified saint.
I will enjoy being with my wife, just the two of us.
We’ll both look forward to seeing Abigail again, but you know what?
We’ll be pleased to just be with one another as a happy marriage founded in
God’s love.
Resting in Him,
Randy “bond-servant” Peterman