This morning I got up to work out (which is a miracle of God) and was
listening to Charlie Clough’s
Frameworks series.
What an encouraging thing to hear God’s word taught systematically.
He made a very key point in the lesson: When you see a word or phrase (such as “Kingdom of God”) used in the scriptures, find its first occurance and determine its usage and meaning there, then see if its usage is consistant throughout the scriptures, then determine its meaning in your context.
Words definitions are vital, and observation, interpretation and application all depend on a careful, critical and clear understanding of them.
Also, pray for my dad who’s got an ‘odd mole’ that he’s having removed and checked out.
His lyme disease is picking up again, so pray that the Lord would either slow it down, wipe it out, or use some other medical means to prevent it from getting worse.
My dad may not be viewed as a national treasure by the rest of the world, but he’s one to me.
I’d like for him to remain in tip-top shape until the rapture.
More to come,
Randy Peterman