I am writing this entry on the back of a coupon pamphlet.
I have been chosen to be in an extra-jury pool.
This means roughly that I’m like the last shirt you wear in your closet before you officially need to do laundry.
This morning I drove to the TRE railway station and took “The T” down town.
I found another juror on the way off of the train and asked him if he had been a juror before.
Turned out that yesterday he was called and today he was going to serve.
He kindly showed me where I needed to go and then parted ways as he had to go to a court room and I needed to go ‘check in.’
After checking in I sat in the room with what appeared to be 200 people.
Various coughing sounds abounded.
With great anticipation I listened for my name to be called.
Juror bingo apparently is not the ‘winningest’ game in town as they pay you $6.00 per day for the first three days, and after the first three days $10.00 per day.
When they called my name I shrieked with excitement and then shouted, “I won! I won!”
After the security escorted me out of the room and sedated me I calmed down.
You see, I never win anything.
Just kidding about the excitement, shrieking, and sedation.
They did call my name, but it was for the list of ‘waiters.’
So once 12:00 rolls around, assuming a judge doesn’t order a new side of jurors with lunch, I’m heading back home.
What this means though is that they could call me for jury duty again tomorrow and ever day for years, but if I don’t make it into a jury…they can keep summoning me.
If I do get picked, I get a six month respite.
OK, well it’s at least a new experience and I got to read some more of Genesis.
Resting in Him,
Randy Peterman