Day Two, Box Twenty

The packing continues, we’ve created a lot of garbage in this moving process.
Sometimes you don’t realize that you’ve been storing, holding onto or keeping refuge just plain trash.
And sometimes you realize that you had assigned sentimental value to things that you should throw away anyway.
For example, I’ve got a bag of hats that are great, or I should say were great.
These are hats that really need to be sorted, some to be thrown away, and a few to be kept for play hats (for Abby and kin)… and amazingly a few hats worth getting out and using.
I had my black hat from Jr. High in that bag, it was stained with sweat, discolored from sitting in the sun in the back of one of my cars and probably smelled, if we were to try to smell it.

I’m sure that Abby will look fabulous in my top hat, though it will most likely fall right over her face.
And I’m also sure she’ll love the jesters hat and the (train) engineers hat.
Jessica’s straw hat from her 21st birthday will be kept as well.
We’ll try to take some pictures of Abby with them on soon and then I’ll throw them up online here.

This reminds me that we should most likely clean house personally as well – keeping our relationship with Christ where it should be.
Make sure you’re not out of fellowship with Him.
On the other hand, if you are out of fellowship with Him, then reconciliation is really, really easy.
That’s what I love about my Saviour, He’s not concerned with my statistical average, as if I can sin too much so as to put me out of His grace.
Saving grace from God isn’t grace if it isn’t complete, and perfect.

Our packing here isn’t complete, and I’m pretty sure it isn’t perfect 🙂
We’re making good headway, and if you know anyone who’s interested in buying a used Dodge Stratus that runs well, let me know!

Resting in Him,

Randy “Mover & Shaker” Peterman

P.S. – Happy Leap Day! Oh, and I’m sure they won’t see this, but Happy Anniversary to P.J. and Sherri Lewis! Oh, and apologies to most everyone else who has anniversaries that I forget to mention or call on, or send a card – if their anniversary wasn’t so unique I’d surely forget it.