Making Sense of the Microsoft Buyout of aQuantive

What makes sense in the aQuantive acquisition? Not much, the long and short of it is that Microsoft just spent a huge amount of money to do some saber rattling. You could probably guess that Microsoft is peeved to be out of the loop in the lucrative online advertising world. You could also probably guess that they’re upset that other deals have fallen through, but what this acquisition does is allow Microsoft to get huge media attention and get free advertising at a six billion dollar cost. Sure, its not free, but it just makes more noise and that’s what they need. Advertising that they’re going to be better or more powerful that Google or Yahoo! is talk only. They can’t drive people to deposit their money there, or to get web sites and bloggers to switch over to their advertising system. This could be six billion dollars down the flusher or it could be the biggest noise maker deal, which is what Microsoft wants.

Microsoft wants every online advertiser in the market to buy into their system, this deal helps draw more attention to it and makes it seem like they’re a better choice. So far I think Google and Yahoo! have it. Microsoft has just invested a huge amount of money for what may help them in 2015. Watch out for 2015, because they may have the lions’ share of the market then 🙂