The Switch

OK, since you know that I’m moving to CO, and you know that the end is near for all things in my life involving being a Texas resident, I’m making an even bigger switch: I’m switching to WordPress for my blogging software. For over a year I’ve worked on my own solution, which I’ve privately called ‘blogJack’ (think Lumber Jack, not car jack, think construction, not highjack… nevermind). However, WordPress is great, it’s free and it gives me little tools to enhance what I can blog about. I’ll work on porting the nearly 200 articles currently on this site (did you think I was that prolific? I didn’t) into WordPress as well as pictures of Abby. is the URL to the new blog. The RSS feeds will be moved over there too, but if you point your RSS reader to the index.php page it may very well auto-detect the RSS URL’s, otherwise you can copy and paste the links into your reader… they’re provided on the bottom right hand side of the page (currently, this location may change without notice).

Resting in Him,

Randy Peterman