Eliot Spitzer

Just kidding, we don’t need to write about Eliot “Hey, money can’t buy me love, but it’ll buy me xes” Spitzer.  Instead we need to spend time talking about important things like the fact that I’ve been working a lot the last couple weeks.  There’s not much on my plate right now except:

  • Being a husband
  • Being a dad
  • Being a son-in-law (one set of in-laws in town now, and the other set & family will be here in two weeks)
  • Working many hours
  • Bible study preparation
  • Sunday school preparation
  • Breathing
  • Pretending to sleep

All of that aside I’m very glad to be where I am.  I’ve got an opportunity each moment to get some great stuff accomplished, learned or taught, but I just need to pace myself.

Jessica has done a phenominal job as a wife and mother.  It blows me away to continue to see her serve this family and various friends.  She’s just a huge blessing in my life.

The girls are striving to find our breaking points.  Abby is smart and at her parent teacher review last week the teacher had nothing but good things to say and strongly encouraged us as parents.  Evie has a tooth coming in and so she’s been a basket case.  Both of them together can go from playful banter about princess and ponies to behaving like ogers and dragons.

I had a bio-meridian test done two days ago at a specialists office and it looks like my body is beating up on the parasites and I’m very close to having them beaten and destroyed.  My immune system is weaker, but I’m taking supplements to get it hyped up so that I can begin eating like normal again.  I could sort of tell I was making progress because my body weight plateaued.

Anyway, that’s a short status update on things around here and I hope to get back to ‘normal’ by 2010.

Oh, and one more thing, Jessica turns thirty this month, so I have to figure out a birthday present.  She’s been dropping hints.  And by hints I mean explicit statements of what I will do with the birthday money 🙂