Lions and Tigers and Hairs

Yesterday we were instructed by a specialist to get rid of our couch & matching chair downstairs and to get our heating ducts cleaned out as well as get our carpets shampooed due to Jessica having a severe allergy to… pet dander!  Yippee!  The good news is that we now know some of what has been sucking the energy out of her day-to-day life for several years now.  The bad news is that we had to go look at couches last night.  At a furniture store.  With three hundred variations on the same theme: big, wide, huge couches.  Our basement, where the problem area is, has a narrow, skinny, awkward stairway down into it which makes getting any furniture up or down it difficult.

We finally picked one set which was twice as much as I had wanted to spend but significantly better than anything else and would actually fit down our stairway.  I helped pick the house, so I get to live with narrow stairways.  I’m excited we’ll be ordering them today because it will be good to help resolve Jessica’s issues.  I’m just hoping that my family will understand if we show up at their houses with dust masks on 😉

Tell me if we shouldn’t have seen this coming:

1) Move into a house that the previous owners had dogs into while Jessica’s preggers and she’s low on energy, but we think she’s pregnant

2) Jessica’s mom moves in with us for many months with her dog – we think Jessica just had a baby so why shouldn’t she still be tired all of the time

3) We get a dog after Jessica’s mom leaves with her dog – and say, “Hey, the puppy keeps us up at night so why shouldn’t she be tired.”

4) We get rid of the puppy because Jessica is allergic to the puppy

Why we didn’t think, “Puppy-ness is still all around us – lets replace furniture and spend gobs of money to totally cleanse our environment?”