Our windshield was cracked yesterday afternoon when we exited the restaurant that we went to with some friends from church. There is a crack that runs all the way across the bottom of the wind screen! I can’t see a cause, it wasn’t there when we left the church (at least to our knowledge), and the only theory I have that seems probable (other than the wrath of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) is that there was such an extreme temperature change when my big old bag of hot air got in the car and opened its mouth (I’m referring to me and not my wife or daughters in case that doesn’t come across, I don’t want to be accused of insulting my family). Seriously, I have no other damage to my car in case someone is thinking that maybe I got hit by another car.
No clues and not wanting to buy a new windshield/screen.
Such is life.
Randy, I recall that you had a chip in the windshield that happended when I picked Jessica and Abby up at the airport last year. It probably was a temperature change that made the crack split the rest of the way.
The chip and the crack are unrelated.