
On September 11th 2001 I was at Alt-N for exactly a year. I don’t actually remember if I had a review scheduled that day but the terrorists threw that day out of the window for productivity. Traffic was slow that day on the highways, but not backed up – no one wanted to rush home. We were all pretty somber. Today the terrorists attacked in London. My review is scheduled for about an hour from now. I know its coincidence but it still feels a little weird to have those things align.

I’m praying for the survivors, the families of those who are lost or are dead, and the sanity of world leaders in this time of crisis, pain and suffering. The lives of those involved will be forever changed, the reconstruction of the damage will take time and of course the nation will be in the defensive mode for a while as well. Pray.

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  1. Pingback: A Gathering Of London Thoughts // Phil ♥ Lyndel

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