Our new baby is (going to be?) a girl. She’s not born yet, or course, but she’ll be arriving some time towards the end of October if all goes well. Her name will be Evelyn Hope Peterman or ‘Evy’ for short. If you think of it, pray for her, she’s got a little tiny cyst on her brain right now that the Dr. says will most likely go away before she’s born. We’re not worried because she’s God’s baby in the first place and He’ll take care of her. Evelyn means “lively and pleasant”, and Hope… well, if you’ve not got hope figured out then you’re hosed.
She’s going to be smaller than Abby coming out (most likely) and we’re afraid that she’ll be quieter as well, since she hasn’t kicked and wiggled as much as Abby was by now. Ha! Afraid she’ll be quiet… yeah right!
Jessica scared the crud out of me this morning as we were walking out from the restaurant after eating lunch: she mentioned periods, sharing bathrooms and other girl things like clothes. I told my buddy Tony: I’m going to have to bypass the shotgun and move straight to a bazooka.
Congrats! What a sweet name, too. =)
I/We are SO SO very excited! I can hardly wait to meet my newest little niece!
Obligatory congratulations.
In regard to the “is (going to be?) a girl”, I think it is very interesting in this age of “fetal tissue” and 3D sonograms, that in biblical times, with no OB/GYN’s, no fetal heart monitors, no technology at all, they didn’t talk about a baby being born, they talked about a baby being conceived. They knew back then, before they even knew what they knew, that life begins at conception. Hmmm.
Congratulations Randy, Jessica and Abby,
I will tell Sean ASAP. I heard from Shari at the gym the other day, but had to get on your website to see for myself. I will be praying for little Evy. Blessings to you all – Diane