A post I started earlier this month but never published (I’ve trimmed it down to be more focused than the original):
This title of this post is a quote from the fantastically funny Muppet’s Treasure Island. However, it has very little to do with this post, and for that I apologize which is typical. Today, while standing in line at Safeway I was looking at the high quality media coverage of today’s top stars that was boldly proclaiming accurate headlines about the opinions of the stars and the supposedly accurate opinions of supposed stars. There, to my surprise, was a picture of Tom Cruise with Nicole Kidman Penelope Cruz Katie Holmes. To complete the surreal experience Safeway carefully chose to play the 80’s hit: Highway Through the Danger Zone. That’s right, from the 1986 movie Top Gun. Tommy was of course around 24 when that little flick was foisted upon the global population. Four years younger than Miss Holmes is now.