If you like children, and most readers of this blog do, then you’ll love the news that my dear, sweet wife and I were planning on starting to try to have a second child in May. You’ll love that news. You’ll think to yourself, “Self, what in the heck is Randy getting at?” And the answer to that question is this: Jessica is pregnant. She has been since the end of January. It has been killing me that I couldn’t blog about it. So, tonight Jessica gave me permission to tell y’all.
She’s due in October, exactly one month after my birthday, the 25th. She’s just shy of being done with the first tri-mester and all is going well. As I’ve mentioned a few times before, Jessica hasn’t been feeling well. That is because she’s got issues with sugar during this pregnancy and having any large amount of carbohydrates causes her to feel really ill. The mid-wife seems to think that’s a terrific thing signifying that she’s actually having a healthy pregnancy 🙂 Two weeks ago Jessica and I heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time, which pretty much rocked.
So, in short, I’m going to be a daddy, and this is pretty darn cool. We’ve chosen a name if its a boy as well as one if its a girl. So, let the guessing begin… is it a boy, or a girl? And, what will the name be? The first person to guess the sex of the baby correctly as well as the baby’s name will get a Randy Peterman Digital Research & Development shirt 🙂
Free t-shirt hey? Oh, I mean, congratulations!
I foresee a boy named Jacob. Congratulations! I can’t wait to be an uncle again 🙂
I am so very excited, and can’t wait to see the newest little Peterman. Hawley will have someone close to her age to play with! Thanks. =)
Oh my goodness. Congrats on your expanding family! I can’t wait to meet Abby’s new sibling :).
I think it will be a boy – the name I’ll have to think a little on.
Gramma Peterman checking in….I, too, think it is a boy. And like Robin, I will cogitate on the name a bit. I can’t wait to meet grandbaby #4! If I’m right that it is a boy, we will have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters, but which ever, this is very good stuff!