Gospel Music Riverdance

My neighbors upstairs have had the following events take place above us:

  1. Running around like a herd of Hippos
  2. Having a Jerry Springer type fight
  3. Loud banging sounds for sustained periods of time during the day
  4. Loud rap music for parts of the day

They have now added Gospel Music Riverdancing to their resume. The (presumably) woman has turned the music up super loud (which is how I know it’s Gospel music, I can hear the words). And the “Spirit must be movin'” since she is stomping her feat in place above our bathroom. I have to laugh because after the Jerry Springer “Don’t you hit me!” scream and the rest of the events, the Gospel music puts things into greater perspective: They must be Black, Irish, Trailer trash Pentecostals 🙂
NOTE:this of course plays the stereotype card for humor only. I count myself in the good company of Bill Cosby.

3 thoughts on “Gospel Music Riverdance

  1. We had people like that in our old apartment in Vancouver. It was quite annoying. Lets just say that at least your neighbors are only rated PG 😉

  2. Actually, at our first apartment on Ash lane in TX, the neighbors downstairs were rather noisy whilst being amorous. It was kind of embarassing since I couldn’t very well tell them, “Hey, y’all are kinda loud, can you please keep it down?”

  3. Pingback: randypeterman.com/wordpress/ » Good-Bye Jerry Springer Neighbors

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