Smooth. Jazz.

I’m praying for our friends the Masons as they gear up to head to China.  In China they will meet and adopt their new daughter for the first time.  They already have a precious daughter Nadia and she’ll be excitedly meeting her Chinese sister for the first time, but from the perspective of a child.  I’m hoping that the trip goes well, the kids settle in together, and that Nadia says something funny, like she usually does, and Louanne or Mike will tweet it, blog it, or Facebook it (where Jessica will see it).  She’s said some pretty funny things before – but she’s pretty jazzed right now, so the funny may be quite amped.

Why I Quit Facebook

I realized today that Facebook was not really my problem, but as a symptom I needed to move on.  We had a good fling, me and Facebook.  I realized I was not blogging in part because of Twitter & Facebook.  For various reasons I’m keeping Twitter active (most of them professional).  I also realized I was heavily distracted throughout my time as a dad, a husband, and as a brother-in-law (since my Sister-in-law has lived with us).

I was writing comments or responses to various folks, but then deleting them so as to not offend people who I had ‘friended.’  Therein lies the rub: if someone is your friend you want to care about them, but some folks were not friends, but acquaintances and I still didn’t want their facebook experience to be marred by my interjections on the site.  Here on my blog I can be forthright, opinionated, and even make mistakes, but it is in my sandbox.

I should be blogging more now and I should be my usual spouting self, but I’m going to warn folks: I may reign all of my blogs into one central blog and quit the split personalities.  That’ll mean religion, beer, food, programming and so forth in one place.  I may even switch away from WordPress to experiment with other platforms.

I quit facebook so I could start relating with a few people more, rather than more people just a little.  I’m back and I’m going to make an effort to spin things up to crazy, silly, funny, and personal.  I don’t think anyone else should leave Facebook because I did, I’m just doing this for my own focus and purposes.


WordPress is telling me this is my 2000th post.  Not a lot of content here, but just for grins:

1) The surprise non-geek post: Ligers

2) I’ve been blogging (mostly at this site, but when I started on a site that no longer exists) for over 10 years

3) Doing the math on that, I’m not a very consistent blogger

4) Before switching to WordPress I wrote my own blogging platform

5) Most people really want pictures of my daughters on this site, but I’m a bit short on photographs

6) After all this time I think my Sister-in-Law, Shari, still thinks I’m a dork

7) I have probably gotten the most comments on this blog from my mom, who used to regularly correct my spelling and grammar

8) This list isn’t very interesting

9) The blog I used to link to, but that is defunct, but that I miss the most is “Apropos of Nothing”

10) Before Facebook and Twitter I used to spend a LOT more time on this site