Abby on Snow

“It’s just going to keep snowing forever, mom.”

We’re having a new snow storm here, I think this is the 4th storm in 5 weeks.  I love the snow so this is great, but Abby’s starting to feel like the snow could take a break and let Spring and Summer have a go at things 🙂

Two-fer Abbyisms

Abby tonight at dinner said, “This steak is too juicy for words.”  Totally cracking us up.  Then, on the way home from running some errands she said, “Dad, you need to tell your code-workers.”  That’s right, I don’t have co-workers, I have code-workers.  Too funny!

That Fluffy Substance of Which 500% is Made Up of Fat

Abby requested that with dessert for tonight’s celebration of my sister and her husband moving to the Denver Metro area that we make ‘with cream.’

I smiled and asked, “Do you mean ‘Whipped Cream’?”

To which she replied, “Dad, I call it with cream.”

And so I have been schooled in the ways of the four year old mind.  What you think you heard is now what things are called.  Which is exactly why I hope that she only accidentally overhears Jessica and I talking about ‘sects’.

The Kissing Ice Cream Shop

Abby and I went on a little daddy-daughter-donut-date this morning. As we passed a shopping center Abby announced, “There’s a kissing ice cream shop!”

To which I asked, “Why is it a kissing ice cream shop?”

Her reply was that the logo was some red lips. Which logo you might ask?

This one:

Dairy Queen

Never saw the lips before. Now I’ll probably never see the words 🙂

That Cousin and His Blog

Abby was talking yesterday and said something that made us chuckle pretty good.  She was telling us how her cousin Brennan was going to send her a blog.  That’s right, send a blog. She said he just sends blogs all the time.

I wonder how my brother and his bride feel about all of this 🙂

Yew Nork

Yesterday Abby announced to us on the way home from church that she wanted to marry our neighbor Wayne, whom I believe is older than all of her grandpas.  Jessica told her she couldn’t do that because Sue, his wife, had already snatched him up.  After a little time of thinking she announced that she would have to go to ‘Yew Nork’ and find a man to marry.

Abigail, if you read this when you get older: you don’t have my permission to do that, but I couldn’t say it with a straight face when you suggested it 🙂

In Case the Cabin Depressurizes…

Abby shows off the safety cardAbby shows off the safety cardAbby cracked us up Saturday on the way home on the airplane. We got onto the plane and she pretty much immediately grabbed the safety card out of the seat back before her. She opened it up and told me she wanted a ‘nose bag.’

That’s right, some people call them oxygen masks, but we call them nose bags now 🙂

When Abby Plays Cars…

Abby is now playing ‘Cars’ due to the movie and when she pretends to be a car she is the one and only star of the movie “Lightning the Queen.”  The actual Cars charact name is Lightning McQueen but Abby’s cultural references are a bit limited 🙂